
Workers submitted petition to CMs and PM’s house

Workers Attempt to Submit Petition to the Prime Minister

Two hundred workers from Agile Sweater factory gathered in front of the Kampong Speu provincial hall early this morning to hear the results of negotiations between worker representatives, provincial hall representatives, the prosecutor and labor ministry. The negotiations failed to reach an acceptable solution. Provincial authorities would not entertain discussions regarding the release of five workers arrested Tuesday.   

Submit Petition

After negotiations failed, over 200 workers took several mini vans to submit petitions to the Council of Ministers (CMs) and the Prime Minister’s house. Workers were blocked by authorities but eventually managed submit their demands to the Ministry of Interior .

Charges against 5 union members

According CENTRAL lawyers who visited the 5 arrested workers at Kampong Speu provincial prison this morning, the charges include:

  1. Incitement to commit a crime;
  2. Intentional damage; and
  3. Intentional violence with aggravating circumstances.

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